20 Nov 2013

12 Ways To Overcome Homesickness

The second newsletter is out click here to read it.
It has information on homesickness and suggests 12 ways to overcome it.

Have you ever wondered how to greet people of a different culture? Make sure you get it right. The newsletter shows ways to greet people of different nationalities.

Finally, how many artists can you name (without Googling the answer) on this version of Lou Reed's Perfect Day?

Tell us what you think of the newsletter. Are there any other topics you would like for future newsletters and blogs?

8 Nov 2013

November Newsletter: Homesickness - What you didn't know and what you can do.

Homesickness/Nostalgia was acknowledged in the seventeenth century as such a debilitating disease that soldiers who had it were sent home form the war. Now homesickness is a sign of weakness. Find out more by signing up to the newsletter here.
As another homesick inducing holiday season approaches with Hannukah, Thanksgiving and Christmas, find out what you can do to make it easier.
If that is not enough, find out how to greet people of different cultures without offending. Its in the Newsletter. The November issue coming out 19th November or before.
Finally, one of the greatest piano players of our time sings a tribute to going back home.

1 Nov 2013

Newsletter 2 - Homesickness

Homesickness, some history of it, 12 ways to overcome it, greeting people and hearing Elton John sing Back home again are just some of the items on this newsletter. Click on the link below.
Newsletter 2 November 2013